Monday, September 12, 2005

Most definitely not Listless

Notes on the humble 'To Do List':

Note the capital 'L' in List - befitting It's true status as a godly being - for They should be worshipped.

Actually the world would be a much safer place if we worshipped Lists instead of all the troublemakers we currently fawn to. Most Lists are temporal beings - they always evolve so it is unlikely that the argument 'my List is better than yours' will surface. Lists go through many phases of transition from the nice, neat start to nothing short of a mess if I'm honest. But that's the natural way of things; if you can manage to keep a tidy List then you are not really using the List properly.

Once true chaos on the List has been reached it's then rebirth time: reincarnation to another List! And the cycle continues...

Those list fans out there will know what I mean. Lists can get out of control which is a right pisser. At times like those then it's time for streamlining and centralisation - a rethink to the structure of your Lists; basically this means make a new, bigger List and throw all the others away. I normally have to cross things off before I can throw away the List; it signifies completion of task. I currently have approximately twelvety small Lists lying around on my table, waiting patiently to be combined. Subsectioning is required as there is alot of categories of things to do. I should really be sorting that out rather than writing this!

Duplication is also a problem. Write one task down on one list and then a day later you write it on another. Not very efficient I admit. But there are benefits: when List amalgamation is undertaken it can be very satisfying to be able to cross things out repeatedly due to the fact that they have already been completed from another List. While I wouldn't go as far as to say that they are the highlights of my day; but they are satisfying. Ahhhh.

My mate Bernard in work is a List man. I never thought he would be as he doesn't seem that type of person. But he was. And still is. He understood. He's a good lad.

Enough warbling about Lists... I really DO have to sort them out!

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