Wednesday, December 07, 2005

We Are All Badgers

Well, it's been quiet as a badger on this blog for a good month. And it was a good month in fact. That's the problem; too many other preoccupations.

Let me subconcarate:

Seem to be busy every weekend for the past age with visitations and merriment. All good. All very good. But I'm not going to go into all that malarky. Also I've been redesigning WAAB which is taking fecking ages; largely because I don't have time to do it. When I do work on it then I get through a lot. It badly needs a bit of a shine and polish. Although, it won't look like a badger anymore.

Anyway, the badgers are calling me...


PS - Warning - I just made up the word subconcarate so please don't use it in general conversation otherwise you risk being called an idiot.

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